Dr Des Ford’s Books Now Available for Free Download!

Sep 13, 2014 3929

As part of our wish to make the works of Dr Desmond Ford more easily accessible and widely available, Good News Unlimited has taken the decision to make a substantial selection of his books available for free download as e-books.

We want the messages that these books contain to be a blessing to millions of people everywhere.

And this is only the beginning!

Keep visiting our website for more books which we will be releasing as free e-books soon. Additionally, we are progressively making Dr Ford’s articles and other writings, and classic audio and video messages, available through our website.

To access the books, click on the titles or pictures below. The first titles which we are making available are:














Nelson Guerrero

Feb 14, 2021

I thank God that after I was found by Jesus I decided to search people and preachers who preach the Gospel of God in Jesuschrist. Desmond has helped me with his preaching and teachings to reaffirmed that it's all about Jesus. Amazing grace!

Lorna Elliott

May 3, 2019

I have learnt so much from Des Ford and I thank God for leading me to listen to him Thank you Dr Ford .

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