Duncan on Location!

Sep 7, 2015 2325


Duncan Wood in Kampala, Uganda.

During the recent mission trip to India, Africa, and Europe, the board of Good News Unlimited decided that Duncan Wood should travel with me to film the meetings, interviews, testimonials, etc. It is very difficult to get stories out of the places where we minister unless you are there on the ground.

Duncan, GNU’s Production Manager, proved to be an extremely valuable addition to the trip. You have probably seen the trip report which is already on the GNU website. And wait until you see the incredible interviews and stories that we were able to capture on video!


In the villages of India. The insects loved the lights!

Duncan had to film in very inhospitable locations: at night, in the midst of clouds of mosquitos and other insects, in great humidity, and heat, in poorly lit halls, people’s homes, and so on.

Here are some photos of Duncan using just some of his many gifts on behalf of the ministry of Good News Unlimited.

– Eliezer Gonzalez


For a contrast, here is the state-of-the art sound desk Duncan had to play with in Sweden. The people at the church didn’t think that we would be able to run the meetings, because they couldn’t have anyone there to run the sound system. Little did they know that Duncan was on his way!


Recording an interview in Africa. L–R: Teresha Karahukayo, Duncan Wood, Israel Karahukayo.


Preparing for a meeting in India.


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