Jun 19, 2015 1656

rum-1Ruthumma: “My work is to go from house to house… to spread the Good News

Ruthumma lives in Andhra Pradesh, India, where Good News Unlimited actively supports evangelism. She grew up in a family of devout Hindus.

Now, Ruthumma loves the ministry of Good News Unlimited! She has faced many troubles since coming to believe in Jesus Christ, including the death of her husband. It is difficult to be a widow in India.

However her heart is overflowing with the joy of the gospel and she is now “very, very happy to work with Good News Unlimited”.

She had been praying about how to share the gospel, and has now realised that God has called her to do his work as an evangelist and minister of the gospel.

Ruthumma has left everything, and spends all her time serving God by sharing the gospel. She assists Pastor Joseph in the prayer meetings and has started her own church. She praises God that all of her family members now believe in Jesus, including her children, brothers and sisters, and their families, and says…

“My work is to go from house to house and village to village to spread the Good News to as many people as possible, sharing Jesus with my Hindu community.”

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