Give Me the World or I Die

May 7, 2014 2527

I read this morning that William Booth, the founder of the Salvation Army wrote, “God loves with a great love the man whose heart is bursting with a passion for the impossible.”

John Knox prayed, “Give me Scotland or I die.”

And he was only echoing the continual prayer of Patrick’s heart, “Give me Ireland or I die.”

And so this morning I fell on my knees and prayed, “Give me the world or I die.”

Am I mad? If I am mad, let it be for the sake of the gospel.

I prayed it on behalf of Good News Unlimited. I prayed it for all those who love the gospel of Jesus Christ, and who know that it is the only hope of billions.

John Knox and Patrick of Ireland could pray such wildly impossible prayers with no resources and no technology – and God answered in a remarkable way. Under the banner of Calvary, you and I are neither lesser men nor women than these – and our Lord is still the One who lives forever.

Today we have all the advantages of information technology, advanced communications, and the media. Surely then, the time has come in the history of this world when the work of the gospel must be finished throughout the whole world to the glory of God and to the praise of Jesus Christ!

We are called to be people of faith. That which does not see the impossible is not faith.

You can join with Good News Unlimited in the triumph of the gospel, or you may choose to focus on other things. But I have made my prayer.

I praise God that Good News Unlimited has that which John Knox and Patrick of Ireland did not have. We have you.

I continually praise our Father for your support and for your prayers.

And if the Spirit of God compels you, I ask that you align you prayer to mine. I am certain that if you do that, remarkable things will happen in your life.

Eliezer Gonzalez

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