GNU Makes Even More Books by Des Ford Available for Free Download!

Sep 24, 2014 1903

GNU has made even more books by Dr Desmond Ford available for free download as ebooks.

This is in keeping with our mission to share the spread the Word of the gospel as fast and as freely as possible. And for at least half a century, Dr Desmond Ford has been a wonderful preacher of the gospel.

Keep your eye out for more releases soon!

The books which we are now making available free of charge in this second release of ebooks are:

crisis2fordCrisis vol 1




crisis1finalCrisis vol 2




Will There BeWill There Be a Nuclear World Holocaust?

A Kaleidoscope of Diamonds, vol. 1kaldiamvol1




Right with GodRight With God Right Now: God’s Amazing Grace in Romans




Coping SuccessfullyCoping Successfully with Stress and Distress




How to SurviveHow to Survive Personal Tragedy

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