God Is Not Ageist
Feb 15, 2017 2663
Radio Version:
God Is Not Ageist
People often look at my European face and try to put me in a box. I get the question, “Where are you from?”
I say, “Australia.”
“But originally?” they ask.
We like to put people in boxes, don’t we? Did you know that ageism is one of those boxes?
You might think that the young have a monopoly on being idiots… but that’s not true.
In the Bible, you can find a list of God’s heroes in Hebrews chapter eleven.
But those heroes are also people who made their most stupid mistakes when they were fully grown… and even elderly.
It’s good to know that God isn’t ageist, and his mercy and favour are for people of all ages. In whatever stage of life you are, and however you’ve stuffed things up, there’s a place in God’s list of heroes for anyone who turns to Him.

God is not ageist – his mercy and favour are for people of all ages.
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