Good News Children Receive Study Materials

Oct 16, 2015 1496

10622739_438211396363113_7310855248626592319_nHere are some photos of the children of the Good News Children’s Care Centre happily receiving folders for their schooling. What we take for granted is a great treasure for them.

These children were not attending school, and were just causing mischief when Pr Joseph came to their village and started the Good News Children’s Centre for their benefit. There, he teaches them the gospel, feeds them, and helps them with their homework and schooling. The children are now attending school, and many of the Hindu families in this extremely impoverished village of so-called “untouchables” are turning to Jesus Christ.

Thank you for your support of this wonderful ministry. – Eliezer Gonzalez



Pr Joseph Usala handing out the folders.






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