Good News Unlimited 2008 Issue

Sep 13, 2014 2551

Issue No 1


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  • A personal message from Dr Ford
  • Status and Standing by Bob Gass
  • An Expose of Legalism by Ritchie Way
  • The True Secret by Santo Calarco
  • Who Packed Your Parachute
  • He Never Passes Anyone By by Lyall Sutcliffe
  • Dealing with Doubts by Hannah Whitall Smith
  • Kill the Spider by Herb Vander Lugt
  • Persecution of Christians Increasing Around World by Dan Wooding
Issue No 2


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  • Life Is Not Fair by Ritchie Way
  • Don’t Blame God by Ricardo Camino
  • All The Pain Money Can Buy by Desmond Ford
  • Learning To Groan Quietly by  Ron Allen
  • The Purpose in Pain by Santo Calarco
  • Making The Old Testament Come Alive
  • Discussion Point
  • Finding Yourself by William James Nichols
  • When Trouble Knocks by Dr. Harold J. Sala
  • The Kid Who Sat In the Corner by Allan Stark
Issue No 4


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  • Homosexuality And The Bible by Rev. Dr. Walter Wink
  • The Gospel In Seven Questions by Boris Dobra
  • The Human Face by Sean Brith
Issue No 8


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  • Rightly Dividing The Scriptures by Ritchie Way
  • Revenge by Gordon Bailey
  • Uzzah’s Choice I by Ritchie Way
  • DANIEL 1 CHANGE, CHOICES AND CONSEQUENCES Part three in a series on Daniel & Revelation by Angus McPhee
  • Uzzah’s Choice 2 by Ritchie Way
  • The China Study by T. Colin Campbell, PhD, and Thomas M. Campbell II
Issue No 7

july 2008 7

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  • Health Matters by Ritchie Way
  • Why Do Many Christians Choose To Be Sick by Desmond Ford
  • Why Be a Christian? by Allan Smith
  • Introducing Daniel: Part Two in a Series on Daniel & Revelation by Angus McPhee
  • The Hook Book on Ford: A Thumbnail Sketch by Arthur Patrick
 Issue No 6

june 2008 6

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  • Why The Cross by Desmond Ford
  • Seeking His Lost Sheep by Ritchie Way
  • GNU Printer For Twenty-Six Years by Ron Allen
  • Understanding Daniel & Revelation Why This Series? by Anghus McPhee
  • The Cab Ride
  • Blackened Suns And Midnight Paths by Tammy Brinsmead
  • Discussion Point
  • Life Without Limbs by Dan Wooding
  • Jesus Only by Dr Desmond Ford
Issue No 3

march 2008 3

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  • The Seven Sayings From The Cross Part One by Desmond Ford
  • Easter
  • You Can Trust The Easter Story
  • Following The Resurrection Of Jesus
  • Re-Genesis One
 Issue No 5

may 2008 5

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  • Flexibility Or Rigidity: Which Does God Prefer? Calvin W. Edwards
  • An Evangelical View Of Scripture
  • Which Does God Prefer?
  • How Do We Find Our Way Into Heaven?
  • What Makes The Bible Authoritative?
 Issue No 11

2008 11

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  • Editorial
  • A thorn The Flesh 1 by Ritchie Way
  • House Churches Growing In Iran Despite Persecution by Michael Ireland
  • A thorn The Flesh II by Ritchie Way
Issue no 10

october 2008 10

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  • Editorial
  • Forgiveness: The Essence Of The Gospel Message by Ritchie Way
  • Learning to Forgive by Brad McIntyre
  • Forgiveness: The Essence Of The Messenger by Ritchie Way
  • Daniel 3: No Rock In Sight! by Anghus McPhee
  • How To Forgive When It Seems Impossible by Smuts van Rooyen
  • Quiz
  • Discussion Point
 Issue No 9

2008 no 9

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  • Editorial
  • Freedom Has Constraints by Ritchie Way
  • Freedom From Addictions by Santo Calarco
  • Free… For What? by Ron Allen
  • Daniel 2: The Approach Of God Part four in a series on Daniel & Revelation by Angus McPhee
  • Christian Freedom by Ron Allen
  • Once Blind by Kay Marshall Strom
  • Discussion Point


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