Good News Unlimited in Paraguay, South America

May 10, 2018 2419

Good News Unlimited in Paraguay, South America

The ministry of “Buenas Noticias Ilimitadas (BNIL)” was founded in Paraguay by Wolfgang Streich after being inspired by the ministry of Good News Unlimited. In fact, the name in Spanish is literally “Good News Unlimited.” However, BNIL is not a subsidiary of Good News Unlimited, and operates autonomously, however we collaborate where possible to share the Good News about Jesus Christ. It illustrates how the Gospel is spreading through influence rather than through human power and control. There are several such Gospel ministries springing up in Latin America, and I wanted to introduce you to my friend Wolfgang, and his work for the Lord. – Eliezer Gonzalez, Senior Pastor, GNU.

The idea for ​​Buenas Noticias Ilimitadas (BNIL) emerged in 2010 when I had just finished a journalism degree. We were thinking about how to combine the Gospel message with my training in the journalism.

In the beginning our vision was to train churches in the area of ​​communication. Since then we have held several communication workshops in Asunción, as well as in churches in the inland areas of the country.

From 2010 to the present we have been invited to teach subjects on the Gospel and communication at the Korean Methodist Seminary in Asunción, with more than 20 students each year. The greatest satisfaction in our ministry has come from being able to give a Christ-centred and missionary focus for the 21st century to both current and future pastors.

We were also able to have a radio program on FM Tuning, called “Sunset”, every day for six months.

We held another form of training in 2016, where we connected with church leaders (about 8 people from different countries) via Skype once a week and ran a Gospel study group, in which we could all participate.

For some time we have also had a page where we share Spanish translations of GNU articles, as well as other articles that we consider interesting for our readers. We also have presence on several social networks, including Facebook, Twitter, Google + and Tumblr.


We are in the process of motivating and training people who wish to lead new groups.


Since 2017 we have had the desire to organise a network of small groups to preach the Good News with a focus on Jesus Christ. We have prepared materials with 42 lessons based on the stories from the life of Jesus. We call this programme “Faith Cafe”. We are in the process of motivating and training people who wish to lead new groups.

One of the current testimonies of our ministry is a couple named Miguel and Maria Barrios, with whom we have met many times to ask for direction from the Lord together, to be able to focus on the Gospel. They are living the Gospel and sharing it in an amazing way with many people through the biblical method of small groups. They are retired and are full of fervour and love for Jesus and his grace.

At the moment we are going through a difficult time because my mother-in-law is very sick with Alzheimer’s. My wife is her only child, and she lives with us. But even in this we see the love of God and his mercy towards us. We would like to do many more things, visit more people, do more training, have radio programs, and much more, but everything has its own time. We ask for your prayers for Dona Luli (my mother-in-law) and for Ruth (my wife) and for the BNIL ministry, that the Lord will continue to guide us with his love and mercy.

Lic. Wolfgang Streich, Coordinador of BNIL

BNIL website: 

Faith Cafe website:

Below are our contact details for those who wish to contact us:

Email: [email protected]

Phone: + 595 971 316 800 – Asunción, Paraguay

Wolfgang A. Streich

Apr 2, 2021

Update BNIL Website: Faith Cafe Website: Zoom In Magazine Website: The Gospel Seen Up Close: Desmond Ford Website in Spanish:

Aliat Simon

Jun 2, 2018

wow thanks for the wonderful work of the lord your spreading i love the word of God just continue have a good day

Eliezer Gonzalez

May 16, 2018

You are doing a wonderful work for the Lord. Do not be discouraged! Grace and peace, Eliezer

Wolfgang Streich

May 16, 2018

Greetings and blessings to the GNU brothers from different parts of the world. We are happy to share the Gospel with people through various means. Our dream is to ever reach more with the power of the Holy Spirit. Many churches are also full of legalism and we have in our hearts many people who have been hurt. May the Lord continue to guide us. Also to all of you.

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