He Brought Us Grace And Truth
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Jun 17, 2016 1608
And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld His glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the father,) full of grace and truth (John 1:14).
There’s an old African saying that goes, “A visitor is a blessing.” It is also a tradition that visitors, especially those coming from far, bring some gifts along for the children in the family.`
More than 2000 years ago, Jesus arrived at our home, the earth. Some high-profile men came to visit him there in Bethlehem and they brought him gifts. But he came with the greatest gifts from heaven: Grace and Truth.
Grace and truth are the greatest needs of the fallen world. When man initially fell from grace and truth, he was subjected to live under the power of sin. Where there is no grace, man must face full penalty for his sins, and we forget the source of truth.
Let us behold for a moment, the life of our Lord, Jesus Christ, and see how grace-full and truth-full it was.
Jesus was down-to-earth, touching humanity where it hurts most: the heart. He was understanding, forgiving, encouraging and most of all, loving with no boundaries. He was Lord, yet he was totally approachable.
The world needs more grace and truth. Our churches need more grace and truth. Our families will do better with more grace and truth; our personal lives will become more meaningful if we learn to be more graceful and truthful. Those who make a permanent room for him, become men and women full of grace and truth, and the world is blessed to have them.
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