Health Article Issues

Sep 25, 2014 3035

Articles written by Dr Desmond Ford

Issue No 1

health 1

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Title: Questions and Answers
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Questions and answers regarding scientific medicine.

Issue No 2

health 2

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Title: Questions and Answers on Preventive Medicine
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Questions and answers regarding preventive medicine.

Issue No 3

health 3

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Title: Do Many Christians Choose To Be Sick? Part 2
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WHEN GOD DELIVERED a nation which was to be a pattern for all the redeemed, he instructed them that health would be the result of obedience:

Issue No 4

health 4

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Title: Do Many Christians Choose To Be Sick? Part 1
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WHAT IS THE physical state of the Union, this “one country under God”? Millions have “fat-crippled hearts, alcohol-saturated brains and livers…

Issue No 5

health 6

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Title: England’s Food Scandal
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WELL-KNOWN BOOK in Britain is entitled The Food Scandal, by Carolyn Walker and Geoffrey Cannon. According to the internationally known newspaper, the Times, this book is…

Issue No 6

health 6

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Title: The Unsuspected Truth
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DR PRIDE AND excessive self-concern are responsible for much of our sickness. The Christian way of humility and love is also the way of health.

Issue No 7

health 7

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Title: Worth More Than A Million
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Questions and Answers about chronic diseases in USA.

Issue No 8

health 8

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Title: Not Our Own
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We are not our own. On the bases of the gift of life, the preservation of life, and our redemption on Calvary, we belong to Another.

Issue No 9

health 9

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Title: Seed and Soil
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Disease is a matter of seed and soil. Bacteria and viruses not only determine our state of health, so does the condition of our immune system.




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