International Gospel Media Fund Established

Nov 10, 2014 2107

listening to radioIn September Good News Unlimited launched an appeal to raise $60,000 to launch and International Gospel Media Fund. Thanks to your generosity and the amazing goodness of God, I can let you know that we have achieved that target and that the fund has been established!

This fund will be used for the expenses associated with offering the gospel via radio in Eastern Africa and via Christian TV in India. We have been advised that we have been given a radio station in Uganda, and from December we will also be broadcasting the gospel during prime-time all across Eastern Africa through short-wave radio, reaching a potential audience of 230 million people. In India we plan to broadcast the gospel regularly through a television channel in Andhra Pradesh, and other avenues.

We intend to keep this fund open and to continue to use if for the proclamation of the gospel internationally through media channels that the Lord will open up.

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