Learning About Faith – Cherson, Ukraine

Apr 13, 2016 1402

Sergei (pictured with Eliezer) is grateful for the impact the Gospel has had on his life.

Sergei (pictured with Eliezer) is grateful for the impact the Gospel has had on his life.

In Cherson, Ukraine, people attending the Gospel meetings are describing how it is impacting their lives. One such person is 33 year old Sergei, who heard about the meetings through a church he visited. He describes how he started visiting this church after attending meetings held at the church’s café.

After I visited the Social Café meeting I was invited also to visit the church that ran it. It wasn’t difficult to come to the evangelistic programme after that. I have been attending the meetings with pleasure.

Sergei shares how the meetings have taught him new things and led him to accept the Gospel,

At these meetings I am learning about faith and the teachings of the Bible. These are things I didn’t know before. I also learnt about the historical facts of the existence of Jesus Christ and the reliability of the Bible. I have learnt more about the problems with evolution. I learnt about the important issues of life and death and how to face them positively. I had heard about some of these things before, but the material that the speakers presented in these programmes have helped me understand and accept them.

Sergei is also grateful the programme has helped him turn his life in the right direction,

If these Social Café meetings and this evangelistic programmes were not held, it would be impossible for me to have come to church, because even though I had visited Christian churches before, I was heading down a bad path, and I would have continued thinking that I was heading in the right way.

Presented by Dr Philip Rodionoff and Dr Eliezer Gonzalez, these evangelistic meetings are in the second week of running.

– Ella Rodionoff

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