Looking Out

May 18, 2021 1165

Looking Out

Looking Out

Most people have an inward focus. Much of society around us teaches us to have an inward focus. It teaches you to find happiness independently of others. But that’s a deception. It sets you up for failure in your quest for happiness.

It’s important in life to have an outward focus. It’s an important key to fulfilment and happiness.

There’s been a large amount of research that points to the conclusion that the more you value your relationships with others, the happier you will be.

While it’s important to develop a healthy sense of self, the purpose of doing that is so that you can reach out and enrich the lives of others. As you do that, you develop quality relationships. This fulfils the second greatest commandment of Christ, to love others as yourself (Mark 12:31).

This essentially means that just as you invest in yourself, you need to be investing in others.

Remember: Look outward. Look out for others. 

Eliezer Gonzalez

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