Mother and Son’s Lives Transformed When News of Jesus Reaches Remote Village
Jun 15, 2020 1884

This is the story of Mangama who is 55 and her son Ramarao who is 35. They live in the far away remote village of Venkata Rama, India, where there are no transport facilities. In that village everyone is Hindu and no one knows about Jesus and the Holy Gospel. But our weekly GNU TV Programme reaches the village and that is how Mangama and Ramarao heard about Jesus.
One day I, with my Good News Divine Centre team, went to this village to conduct a Gospel meeting. The first time we went the people did not allow us to conduct any Gospel meetings as the people there are all Hindus. But by the grace of God and with the help of prayer, Mangama and her son Ramarao provided us with a place to conduct a Gospel meeting the next day. So we conducted a Gospel meeting and this woman and her son accepted Jesus into their lives.
Both Mangama and Ramarao were in depression due to their family problems. But after the Gospel meeting both came to me and shared their faith in Jesus. They told me that they had accepted Jesus into their lives and they had come out of the depression from which they had been suffering for years.
Mangama and Ramarao were born and brought up in a Hindu family and their ancestors did idol worship and bloodshed services to the Hindu gods every year. Mangama’s husband died a few years back and she lives in a house with her son. She also did many idol worships and bloodshed services to the Hindus gods. But in her life and the life of her only son there was no peace. All of her relatives left them and she and Ramarao were living in the house and surviving by doing daily labour work. They realised that doing idol worship and bloodshed services was no use. So they were looking for the real God and were eager to know about the true God who is the creator.
“We are saved and we came out of depression and now we are so happy in Christ Jesus.”
So one day they put on the TV and led by the Holy Spirit of God they saw the GNU TV Programme. They were touched and inspired by the powerful word of God. So they called me on the phone and I went to their village with much difficultly and prayed for them and shared the word of God with them. Then they felt very happy and I told them that I would conduct the Gospel meeting in their village. So I conducted the meeting and this woman and her son were saved in Christ Jesus and accepted Jesus into their lives.
Mangama and Ramarao are so, so happy in Christ Jesus and they came out of their depression. Mangama says,
“I was so sad and unhappy due to my family problems. I was doing Hindu idol prayers since my birth just like my ancestors. But there was no peace and happiness in my family at all. I got married and I had my son and my husband passed away a few years back due to sickness. So my son and I did not know what to do or how to live. But we had have been looking for the real God whom we can trust and keep faith in.
So we happened to see on the TV the GNU TV Programme and watched it and the Word of God touched my heart and we started looking to hear more about the Holy Gospel. So we called Pastor Joseph and heard the word of God and he prayed for us. We are saved and we came out of depression and now we are so happy in Christ Jesus.
In my village there are many people who need to know about Jesus. We pray for them and please pray for us. Thanks to you all in Christ.”
– Pr Joseph Usala
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