Now My Spirit is Alive! – Irina, Kherson, Ukraine

May 6, 2016 1378


Irina has a renewed spirit since attending the Gospel meetings in Kherson, Ukraine.

Recently in Kherson, Ukraine, Dr Elizer Gonzalez and Dr Philip Rodionoff shared the Gospel in a series of daily meetings. People of all ages who attended these programmes were impacted by the message of Christ. One woman, Irina, shares her experience.

I found out about some health programmes being run by a Christian church through an advertisement in a taxicab. I memorised the phone number, and when I got back home, I phone them. I was warmly welcomed and I enjoyed these health programmes very much. From there, I found out about these evangelistic meetings being presented by the evangelists from Australia.

Returning for more each day, Irina shares what held her interest in the Gospel meetings:

Of course, in these meetings I have widened my knowledge in the fields of archaeology, science, medicine, society and human relationships, but more importantly, all of these things in their proper relationship to the Gospel of Jesus Christ. As a result of these meetings, I am thinking about spiritual matters all day long! 

Irina is very glad that there has been an awakening for God among people all over the world, and that there are like minds in Christ. She continues:

These are the people who truly understand what Christianity is all about, and who are willing to give some happiness to other people by sharing Jesus with them. As a result of such people, I have been blessed by this programme presented by Dr Rodionoff and Dr Gonzalez.

With a renewed outlook on life, Irina is able to see a brighter hope.

In recent times, we Ukrainians have been upset and fearful because of many troubles we have in our country. But now my spirit is alive and I can have hope for a better future!

– Edited from an interview with Eliezer Gonzalez



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