How Rajashweree’s Children Led Her To Jesus – Moturu, India
Apr 2, 2018 1857
Ever since Pr Joseph started coming to Rajashweree’s village to share the Gospel, she could see it impacting other people’s lives from a distance. But it was when her children started attending the Moturu Children’s Centre that she wanted to now more, and went to a Gospel meeting where she accepted Jesus into her life.
Rajashweree lives in the village of Moturu, India. She was Hindu her whole life, having been raised in a Hindu family. She then married a Hindu man and their two children have grown up in a Hindu environment.
Pr Joseph first started travelling to Moturu in 2012 to preach the Gospel. Since then Rajashweree has seen what Pr Joseph and GNU have been doing in her village. She heard about the poor were being fed, and saw that the sick were being given medical attention. She watched as the Good News Retreat Centre was built in her village, and the Moturu Children’s Centre opened.
It was when her children started going to the Moturu children’s centre that things changed for Rajashweree. Her children were given food and an education and she was moved by the kindness shown to them. They also learned about the Jesus, telling her what they heard.
What she heard about God’s love matched what she had seen his followers do in her community and for her family
After years of watching from a distance, Rajashweree attended a Gospel meeting for the first time. What she heard about God’s love matched what she had seen his followers do in her community and for her family. Hearing the Good News, she accepted Jesus into her life.
She asked Pr Joseph for a Bible, and he brought her one the next time he came to the village.
Rajashweree says,
I was born into a Hindu family and raised as a Hindu. I never heard about Jesus. But when prayer and Gospel meetings began being held in my village, I started to learn about the Gospel. It is the Word of God that touched my heart and led me to the Good News Retreat Centre to hear about Jesus and accept him into my life. I am so very thankful to God and I am so happy now. Thanks to Jesus.
– Ella Rodionoff
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