Seeking Great Things For Yourself?

Aug 14, 2013 3556

Baruch-BullaBaruch was an important man; he was Jeremiah’s scribe (secretary). When the word of the Lord would come to Jeremiah, it was Baruch who would write down the words. It was Baruch who would stand in the temple and read the words of the Lord to the people when Jeremiah wasn’t able to do it. Yes, it was good to be Baruch.

But it wasn’t easy being Baruch, because everyone seemed to reject the word of the Lord, and they hated his boss, Jeremiah. Sometimes, for whatever reason, life gets really, really tough. And it’s then that we have to ask ourselves what it is that we really want from life.

Those who have not understood the gospel of Jesus Christ often live their lives wanting great things for themselves – or at the very least a comfortable life! But what should those who have followed the Lord expect?

One day, Baruch was busily writing down what Jeremiah was telling him, when suddenly Jeremiah said to him, “This is what the Lord the God of Israel proclaims about you, Baruch.” (Jer 45:2). Now that really caught Baruch’s attention!

Now the Lord continued, “You have said, “I can’t take it anymore! The Lord has added sorrow to my pain. I’m worn out from groaning and can find no rest.” (Jer 45:3). I must confess, I have used the line, “I can’t take it any more” myself before!

The Lord says to Baruch, “You seek great things for yourself, but don’t bother.” (Jer 45:5). We seek a big home, a big car, a big title, a big office. Like Baruch, sometimes we seek all the things that will impress other people. But the Lord says, “Don’t bother.”

And now the Lord gives Baruch the reason: “I’m breaking down everything I have built up. I’m digging up that which I have planted—the entire land… I’m bringing disaster on all humanity, declares the Lord, but wherever you go I will let you escape with your life.” (Jer 45:4–5.) You see, the Babylonians were coming. No one would be enjoying the comforts of home for a long, long time.

The Gospel tells us of Someone who came not seeking great things for himself, but who sought only to glorify His Father in Heaven. His mission was seemingly impossible, his life harsh, his mission apparently rejected, his trial unjust, and his death horrendous in the extreme. And all because he sought great things not for himself, but for you and for me. But because of the sacrifice of Jesus, we who believe are granted the great things of God – the greatest things of all – peace, forgiveness, salvation, assurance, and eternal life. And one day, in the kingdom made new, all things will be ours.

We have not been promised the great things of this world, although God has the sovereign power to bless any of us however he chooses. So let us not seek great things for ourselves. Let us seek great things for the One who has loved us so greatly.

In the end, we don’t know what happened to Baruch; but the telling of your story has not yet finished. And you get to write that story, whether it is a story of the seeking of the great things of this world, that is bound to disappoint; or a constant seeking of Christ that results in everlasting fellowship with him.

Eliezer Gonzalez


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