Step/Week 10, Day 2 – Crossroads and Daily Inventory: Take Time to do a Daily Inventory

May 6, 2020 1331

Life Recovery Devotions StepWeek 10 Day 2 – Crossroads and Daily Inventory Take Time to do a Daily Inventory

“Let us examine ourselves instead, and let us repent and turn again to the Lord” (Lam. 3:40, TLB).

As I mentioned yesterday, it’s a really good and beneficial practice to review each day by making a daily inventory. How you actually do this will be entirely up to you. Each of us is different. What might work for me might not work for you. For instance, I really struggle with journaling—making a written record of my day. I’ve done journaling before, but I’ve had mixed successes with this method of evaluating my day. More importantly though, is your willingness to try to develop this habit in your life, in a way that works for you!

A good way to “examine [y]ourselves” is to spend time in silent prayer with God. Ask Him beforehand to help you review your day. You might want to ask yourself some searching questions: “Did I do some good this day?”, “Did I hurt someone through my actions and/or words?”, “Do I need to make any amends?” These questions will help you evaluate your day and general progress of recovery. By doing this you’ll be following the teaching from our verse for today. Also, remember to make a balanced evaluation, both the good and the bad points.

By spending time with God each day, you’ll be starting to develop a “quiet time” with Him. A time when you can come to Him in prayer (both spoken and silent), study His Word in the Bible and other helpful, Christian literature, especially those that cover the topics of recovery from addictions, repent of your sins and receive His forgiveness, and then you’ll be able to “turn again to the Lord”, as you continue on the road to your full recovery.

– Graham Hood 

Personal Reflection: Do you see the benefits you can gain by daily examining yourself? What do you think would best work for you? Start off slowly and be willing to change things if they don’t work out. Be persistent! Enjoy your time with God, each day!

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