Step/Week 10, Day 6 – Crossroads and Daily Inventory: Be a Doer of the Word
May 6, 2020 1312

“And remember, it is a message to obey, not just to listen to. So don’t fool yourselves” (Jam. 1:22, TLB).
Do you have access to a Bible? I hope all of you do. The Bible is your manual for life. It’s God’s inspired Word that is alive and speaks to each one of us, when we read it. I love God’s Word (more on that in tomorrow’s devotional) and I need to engage and read the Bible each day (more than once, if I can), to be spiritually fed by it. It is mine and your daily, spiritual food.
Today’s verse gives a helpful piece of teaching. The “message” is the Word of God. There are two parts to engaging with the Bible: you read and listen to God’s Word and then you need to apply it to your life. There is always a life application to be had within the teachings of the Bible. For instance, the verse for today tells you to “obey [put it into practice]” and not just “listen [read]” God’s Word. You need to be a doer of the Word as much as a listener and reader.
You will have already realised how precious God’s Word is to your recovery. In this electronic day and age, a Bible is just a click away. I have to say though, I predominately use a hard copy of the Bible. The important thing here is to develop a daily habit of engaging with the Bible.
As you engage with the Bible and as you put all that it teaches you into practice, you will start to become more and more the person God originally intended you to be. But more than that, God will help you to become more and more like His Son—more Christlike. Your Christlikeness will become evident to those around you, as they see you living out the ways and teachings contained within the Bible. Staying close to the Bible is essential, as you journey towards a full recovery from your addictions.
– Graham Hood
Personal Reflection: Do you read your Bible each day? Would you say that you’re a doer of the Word? Ask God to help you know how to apply His ways and teachings in your life on a daily basis. Thank Him for His precious Word!
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