Step/Week 12, Day 6 – Give and Yes: Enjoy Your Recovery

May 6, 2020 1357

Life Recovery Devotions StepWeek 12 Day 6 – Give and Yes Enjoy Your Recovery

“For, dear brothers [and sisters], you have been given freedom: not freedom to do wrong, but freedom to love and serve each other” (Gal. 5:13, TLB).

Have you been enjoying your recovery? Does that sound like a strange question to you? Let me explain further. I spent the best part of my adult life being addicted. That’s a long time! I created that scenario, so there’s no one to blame but myself. There were years of misery, self-inflicted pain and heartache because of my addictions. But now that God has helped me to fully recovery from my addictions—He has set me free. I can start to enjoy that sensation and begin to live the life He always intended for me.

Like me, you’ve probably mistaken having free-will to be able to do anything that you wanted to do. That was a big mistake, wasn’t it? God never intended free-will to be used contrary to His ways and teachings, but as a way for you to choose to get close to Him.

It’s like in the verse for today. God has “given [you] freedom”. But as it clearly states He did not give you that “freedom to do wrong”. He had another couple of purposes in mind that relates to this God-given freedom. The freedom He has given you from your addictions is meant for you to recognise that when you “love and serve each other”, then your new-found freedom is put into action in helping others along the same journey you’ve travelled on.

You can enjoy your recovery through the freedom God has given you! Each new day is a day full of opportunities to serve and love others in the way others have loved and served you.

– Graham Hood 

Personal Reflection: Thank God for the freedom that He has given you from your addictions. If you haven’t started to do already, enjoy your recovery! Seek God’s will for each day in who you may best serve with the God-given love that you’ve received from Him.  

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