Step/Week 5, Day 5 – Admit: What You Gain

May 6, 2020 1324

Life Recovery Devotions StepWeek 5 Day 5 – Admit What You Gain

“Then they cried to the Lord in their troubles, and he rescued them! He led them from the darkness and shadow of death and snapped their chains” (Ps. 107:13-14, TLB).

When you’re in the grip of addiction, you’re in trouble—sometimes big trouble! For some of us, we were brought very close to death’s door. We probably also know people who did not make it—their addictions took their lives. That’s a reality you and I need to hear very clearly, today!

In the verse for today, the Israelites, as a nation, were in trouble. They had sinned greatly against God. They had rebelled against the Lord. The Israelites knew too well what it felt like to be sent into a God-imposed exile to a foreign nation, where worship of false gods was rife. However, they knew where their help was to come from, God. They cried out to Him (no doubt admitting their sins) and He rescued them. God released them from the chains that bound them. He gave them freedom!

You will know only too well, what it is like to live a life riddled with addiction. This self-imposed prison is really your own doing. The shackles and chains of addiction that bind you keep you trapped in the vicious cycle of addictive behaviour. But there is a remedy.

God can set you free. He can shatter those chains that bind you. He can give you freedom, a real freedom that lasts (for eternity). When you admit and confess your sins, that process can lead to your freedom—a freedom that a full recovery from addiction can only bring when God is the Giver.

– Graham Hood 

Personal Reflection: Do you want to be free from your addictions? Are you willing to admit and confess your sins? Can you imagine a life without addictions? Believe that God wants to set you free!

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