Step/Week 7, Day 2 – Victory: Identify the Character Defects You Want to Work on First

May 6, 2020 1356

Step/Week 7, Day 2 – Victory: Identify the Character Defects You Want to Work on First

“We should make plans—counting on God to direct us” (Prov. 16:9, TLB).

Today is about being very specific. What character defect(s) is causing you the most pain? Anger? Pride? Low self-worth? Lack of self-control? The list is endless, but you’ll know which character defect(s) are causing you problems in your life, now.

The reading from Proverbs for today talks about making plans and God’s guidance. Many of you might think that making plans is pointless, especially when you don’t know what’s going to happen tomorrow. Yet, I think it’s healthy to make plans and to be intentional and give those plans to God.

You can plan to ask God to remove your character defects and to show you what your role is in working alongside God. The wonderful thing about giving your plans to God, is that you are letting Him in on what’s important to you and He hears and sees that. You can count on Him from that point onwards to guide and direct your actions towards bringing this plan to realisation.

There is one note of caution though. Your plan might not be God’s plan for your life at this moment in time. He may see a greater need (character defect) that needs working on. You need to remain flexible in allowing God to guide you in a different direction than what you first planned. But don’t worry—you know that God is always working for your best interests. Trust Him!

– Graham Hood 

Personal Reflection: Can you identify the character defect(s) that you want God to work on first? Give it to God! Give Him your plans and wait for His guidance. Be prepared for a change in your initial plan, if God has something else for you.

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