Step/Week 9, Day 4 – Forgiveness and Grace: God’s Gift Received by Faith

May 6, 2020 1313

Life Recovery Devotions StepWeek 9 Day 4 – Forgiveness and Grace God’s Gift Received by Faith

“Because of His kindness, you have been saved through trusting Christ. And even trusting is not of yourselves; it too is a gift from God. Salvation is not a reward for the good we have done, so none of us can take any credit for it” (Eph. 2:8-9, TLB).

The verse for today talks about grace and how you are to receive God’s grace. Grace is such an amazing thing. Grace is something that you do not deserve and yet God gives it to you, daily. It is also something that you can never repay God back for, ever. He did it all for you! Why is that?

God has given you three gifts: salvation, grace and faith. The latter two gifts are His free gifts to you. He gives them to you freely. The first gift is free to you, but it cost Jesus, God’s Son, His life, when He went to the cross for you and where He dealt with all of your sins. The price He paid was immense. He was separated from His Father, something He had never experienced before. God’s plan of salvation was costly. Take a moment to think about the cost God bore for your salvation.

By you wanting to make amends to those you’ve hurt in the past, you are offering a free gift to them, but one that is costly for you, as you have to relive that painful time, again. Yet by reliving that time, you are getting closer to being free of your resentments. You will start to experience freedom from your past.

God’s daily grace will enable you to make your amends. You are to recognise and receive God’s grace by faith. When you gave your life to Jesus, you made Him Lord and Saviour of all that you are and all that you will become. Your profession of faith ensures God’s provision of grace for your life, as you wander the path of recovery from your addictions.

– Graham Hood 

Personal Reflection: Are you thankful for the gifts God has given you? Spend some time in worship and praise, thanking Him for all He has done and all He is doing in your life. Be ever-mindful of the daily grace He gives you—receive it by the faith you profess.

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