Taking the Gospel To Those Who Have Not Heard – Puttagunta, India

Aug 3, 2018 3050

Taking the Gospel To Those Who Have Not Heard – Puttagunta, India

Children come to hear the Gospel preached.

We have conducted a Gospel meeting for the first time in a new place and 9 people have accepted Jesus!

We held the meeting in the village of Puttagunta, India. It is a village far from the town and in this village there is no proper church or pastor. So people do not know about the Holy Bible and these people are considered very, very backward. So it is God the Holy Spirit who led us to go to this village and spread the Holy Gospel.

Nine people accepted Jesus. The people are so thirsty and very interested to know about Jesus. They have invited us to come to their village again next month and preach the Holy Gospel.

Here are some people who accepted Jesus:

Suguna is a 65 year old woman. She has been doing snake worship daily. So she was against Jesus and the people of God. She came to the Gospel meeting and was not happy to sit and listen and pray. But it is the Holy Spirit of God who allowed her to sit and listen until the end. So she listened to everything and as other people came and got prayer and shared their experience, she also came and told me,

Tonight I am touched by the word of God. I am living in the dark and tonight Jesus gave me light in my life. Jesus has changed my life from snake worship. From here after I will not go to snake worship and will throw out all idol photos that are in my house. So I accepted Jesus this night and the Gospel and I am so happy and my heart rejoices in Christ Jesus. With my life I will witness for others. Thanks to Jesus.


Tonight Jesus gave me light in my life


Janike Ramudu is a Hindu man and he came and sat on the wall, far from the meeting, and listened to the word of God. At last he came to us and said,

I know only Hinduism and I never heard about Jesus. So my wife and children do daily idol worships and I have been doing them too. But tonight I do not know why I came and sat on a faraway place on the wall and listened to the word of God. So it is Jesus who has brought me here and now I accept Jesus into my life. I will tell my family about it and tell them to attend the Gospel meeting next month and I will bring them. And I will watch the message on the GNU TV programme. I am so much touched and moved by the Holy Gospel. Thanks to Jesus.

Ravana is a 35 year old lady who had no faith in God. But when we conducted the Gospel meeting and preached the word of God, she listened. So after the Gospel meeting she said,

I believe Jesus and his preaching. I am so happy tonight and I accept Jesus into my life. I will share my testimony with all my people that are around. I am so very thankful to Jesus.


I will share my testimony with other people, whoever I meet


Subramaniyam is a 55 year old man and he had no faith in God. So he came to the Gospel meeting and he told us,

It is the first time that I have heard about Jesus. So I am so happy and the message is life changing. I accept Jesus into my life and I will share my testimony with other people, whoever I meet. Thanks to Jesus.

Raniya is a 45 year old woman and she was born and brought up in a Hindu family. She did not know about Jesus and never went to any prayer meetings. So she came to the Gospel meeting and she heard and accepted Jesus. She said,

It is Jesus who has led me to come to this Gospel meeting. So I am so happy and I listened to the word of God. I will pray daily and I would like and love to grow in the faith of Jesus. Thanks to Jesus.

– Pr Joseph Usala

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Reneal p.Zeede

Feb 12, 2019

I was so blessed and excited when I hear that people who don't know about Jesus Christ got to know about him through you. thanks be to God it is God that will reward you great people by spreading the Godspel around the world to people because it's God heartbeat that should be wonderful to his kingdom the as Angels in heaven are rejoicing ????glory be to God.

Catherine Nyanjayamoto

Feb 9, 2019

God is good, thanks for making those who didnt know that there is Jesus became christians. May God bless you all and continue spreading the word of God.

T. Eshmeal Davis

Feb 9, 2019

I want to say thank you so much for this organisation. God is going to bless all of you who are spreading the gospel all around the world, only God will bless all of you.

Malefane Rethabile Aaron

Feb 9, 2019

I thank God for the who accepted Christ as their Lord and personal savior and for you men and women who boldly go out there deep inside villages to tell people the good news of the King of God may Jesus Christ of Nazareth continue to use mightly He keeps on opening the door for you we shall always pray for you.


Aug 4, 2018

I want to ask God to give me the good job.

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