The Forgetfulness of God
May 18, 2021 1255

The Forgetfulness of God
Some years ago I had brain fog going on.
I remember waiting for a flight for an international speaking engagement, and as I was speaking to a friend in the airport, I could barely string three words together. It’s like I was continually forgotten what I had to say next.
Well, you’ll be glad to know that I’m OK now, but did you know that there’s something that even God forgets?
I am he who blots out
your transgressions, for my own sake,
and remembers your sins no more
Of course, God remembers everything, always. It is impossible for God to ever forget anything. However he wants to assure us of his complete forgiveness so passionately that he stretches the possibilities of human language to make the point.
So, if you have accepted his invitation of salvation, you can forever rely on the forgetfulness of God.
Remember, thank God that he forgets.
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