The Good News Mobile – Delivering the Gospel to Needy Souls

Sep 23, 2015 1461


Here I am, just loving this van!

Have you ever wondered how Pr Joseph travels from place to another in India? Before it was on his bicycle. But now he has to transport food, cooking supplies, and sound equipment to the various villages where he preaches.

Kumar, Pr Joseph’s relative, and helper in the gospel work, has come to his rescue. You see, Kumar has a small van!

And Kumar is so passionate about the good news of Jesus Christ that he has had it painted all over the vehicle. That’s why its called the Good News Mobile!


…and I also love the back of the van!

On the front, the van says, “Good News to All” and on the rear, it says “Jesus says, ‘I came to serve, not to be served.'”

And that just about sums up the ministry of Pr Joseph Usala in India and the ministry of Good News Unlimited.

Duncan Wood and I had the privilege of riding in the Good News Mobile while in India, and it was better than the best limousine that money could hire. Because as we travelled along the roads, we were preaching the gospel!

– Eliezer

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