The Greatest Sermon Ever Preached – by Desmond Ford

Feb 14, 2016 4344

the-sermon-on-the-mountThe greatest sermon ever preached was only seven sentences long. In fact, it was more acted out than spoken out.

It was the sermon of the omnipotent God who acted by apparently doing nothing: he was crucified on a cross.

By a twitch of an eyebrow or the merest thought Jesus could have left that cross and destroyed his crucifiers. Instead, he taught the patient love of God toward sinners. Rather than escaping the penalty of sin he endured it – that we might escape it instead. Jesus endured the cross that we might escape the cross.

Jesus suffered the second death, the agony of separation from God. His cry, “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?” (Mt 27:46) is the cry of the damned. Jesus endured hell qualitatively; an infinite being suffering infinite pain to atone for the sin of the world.

Yet, though rejected by heaven and earth, and suspended between the two, he leans forward to invite all people to come to him.

That is the greatest sermon ever preached.

– Des Ford. Rom 8:27–32. Adapted from “Christ’s Recipe for Lasting Happiness – Part 1.”

Stojan Ninkovic

Sep 23, 2021

I've heard a lot of Bible teachers in my life but none has shaped and influenced me to think more deeply and live more freely than Des. I'm looking forward to hugging him in heaven!

Janice Anderson

May 24, 2021

I have admired Desmond Ford ever since he first came on the scene. He was extremely intelligent & lived very close to our Savior, which was obvious by his kindness & depth of knowledge of Scripture. He came & preached one weekend at our fellowship church. He definitely profoundly enhanced my relationship with Jesus Christ, who is, by far, the most important relationship in my life. Jesus has helped me get through the pain of losing 2 precious sons in 16 mos.

Michael Holland

Apr 19, 2020

Desmond Ford inspired me and taught me about Jesus for years. Through the nineties and beyond I was a truck driver in Vancouver British Columbia and I could tune him in daily. His insights and observations about our Lord were wonderful. Many dreary days labor of mine were lifted spiritually through his efforts. The Lord has mightily blessed this man.

Eliezer Gonzalez

Mar 20, 2018

Yes, even me!!!

Mike Holdridge

Mar 18, 2018

Wow the expressions and solid examples of God's redeemable love are always unfathomable. It really is priceless and leaves one in that state of solumn thought with a question and statement at the same time . . ." even me (?)" . . . Yes even Me! Thank you Jesus!

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