The Holy Spirit Moves and Fifteen People Accept Jesus Christ in One Meeting

Aug 30, 2015 1755


Pr Joseph sharing the Good News at the Good News Restoration Centre.

Fifteen people accepted Jesus Christ for the first time at the meeting of the Good News Restoration Centre, led by Pr Joseph Usala last week. Among these were many Hindus.

Most of Pr Joseph’s meetings are held in the open air in the villages. However, the Good News Restoration Centre meetings are held in a rented hall.

These meetings are held only once a month. Why? Because Pr Joseph does not have the means to hire the hall on a weekly or fortnightly basis. Because of this, the congregation is able to come together once a month to share together and with their friends the Good News of Jesus Christ.


It is customary in India that women sit on one side and men on the other.

When I was with Pr Joseph at the Restoration Good News Centre recently, he assured me that if the financial means were available for more regular meetings, the prayers of the people would be answered, and this group would grow even more quickly than it is doing, and new believers would be able to be discipled, and retained. The cost of the rent is equivalent to $70 Australian dollars per meeting.


These photos show the meeting at which fifteen people gave their lives to Jesus Christ.

– Eliezer Gonzalez

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