The Source

Mar 16, 2016 2564

Let anyone who is thirsty come to me and drink. Whoever believes in me, as Scripture has said, rivers of living water will flow from within them (John 7:37–38).

Since ancient times, the source of the Nile has been a mystery. After Alexander the Great is said to have asked about it, a proverb arose: “It would be easier to find the source of the Nile.”

Although the source of the Nile today is popularly considered to be Lake Victoria in Uganda, the lake itself has large feeder rivers. The actual source of the Nile is probably somewhere in Burundi or Rwanda. Wherever it springs from, the Nile River is one of the great blessings given to the continent of Africa.

In the mid-late 19th century, a series of British explorers, including Livingstone and Stanley, and colourful characters such as John Speke, Sir Richard Burton, as Sir Samuel Baker and his wife Florence. All of them were involved in some way or another in trying find the source of the Nile, enduring attacks by unhappy local tribes people, plagues of insects, deaths, and sexual scandals.

While the source of the Nile is still debated, there is a much more important river – one that has brought even greater blessings to all of humanity – whose source is clearly known.

…whoever drinks the water I give them will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give them will become in them a spring of water welling up to eternal life. (John 4:14).

This is a river whose source we know. It is Christ himself, the source of truest life. Unlike the old explorers, we don’t have to go through suffering to find it. Christ offers us of this river freely.

When we believe in Jesus, the river of life will flow within us.

Drink deep, and share it with others.

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