There’s Something Wrong With My Brain

Oct 16, 2013 2329

Last Saturday was promising to be a special day. Des had promised to reveal the two words that summarised all of Scripture at our meeting that afternoon.

As you know, we meet together at 12.30 pm to eat a meal together, as Jesus did with his disciples, and as the early Christian church did when they gathered together. However, we were at home and running late. My wife Ana was still rolling the sushi, and I was running around helping out with other things.

Ana finished preparing the food and tore off into the bathroom to do her hair, calling over her shoulder to ask me to pack the portable ice chest (We call it an “Esky” here in Australia). When I went to pack it, sure enough, the things we wanted to take didn’t fit in it. So I took everything out and repacked it.

I was very pleased with myself. Everything fitted perfectly, and I placed the lit on the cooler with smug satisfaction.

An hour later, we arrived at Milton where we hold our meetings. Much to my chagrin we were a little late. Even worse was to come when Ana opened the cooler and asked me where the sushi was! It was 60 km away at home, on the bench where I had left it. No wonder I had done such a fabulous job of packing the cooler!

But it wasn’t the food that needed to cool down. Ana had to sit down for a while away from everyone else to cool down.

Gill Ford remarked on Facebook that Des’ two words were “law” and “gospel,” and that my two words for the day were “forgot” and “lunch.” Luckily Ana complied with the Biblical injunction not to the let sun go down on your anger, but it was not a certain proposition there for a while. If Ana wasn’t a loving and forgiving wife, my two words for the day would have been “dog” and “house.”

I was told that at least for one person, the highlight of the day was seeing my reactions and Ana’s reactions at my having forgotten our lunch. The most excellent spiritual talk I gave later that day was also probably forgotten in the light of the hilarity. I hope that people at least listened to Des’ main talk! I thank God it was a Christian gathering, full of mercy and grace, and lovely people shared food with us.

I don’t know what it is about me, but I frustrate myself without end. Am I just an absent minded professor? But I am not really a professor. Or could it be that I am just male?

The gospel is that God is not like me. The gospel is that God’s two words are “Jesus” and “remembers.”

God says that people, even those who are closest to you, “may forget, but I won’t forget you.” – Isa 49:15.

The gospel is that Jesus remembered you at Calvary, when you were lost in sin.

The gospel is that Jesus remembers you today, wherever you may be in your journey.

The gospel is that Jesus will always remember you, to give you the inheritance that you have seen and believed by faith.

Eliezer Gonzalez


Eliezer Gonzalez

Oct 17, 2013

You mean it's not just my wife that knows about this!!!

Judy Lyew

Oct 16, 2013

Well some of us are not surprised. Wish I had been there - even from Victoria I had to laugh out loud.

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