Thirty Indian Churches to Join GNU!

Apr 15, 2015 1668

Thirty (yes… 30… that is not a typo) pastors and their churches have approached Good News Unlimited and asked to join our ministry in the state of Andhra Pradesh, India.

This has happened as a result of GNU’s new weekly gospel-based television show in India, presented by Pr Joseph Usala, and based on content designed by Des and the GNU team in Australia. These pastors and their congregations represent a range of Protestant denominations and independent churches.


These pastors have approached GNU because they absolutely love the simplicity and power of the gospel teachings that they are hearing through GNU’s TV programme. And they want to learn more about the gospel and how they can be part of the evangelistic efforts of GNU in their community. Most of these pastors have no formal training in ministry or theology. The number of churches approaching GNU is likely to grow much more over time.

GNU is not a ‘church’, but rather a gospel ministry, and as such does not seek to control other churches in any way. Instead, we are delighted to be able to offer these pastors and their churches training in the principles of the gospel and evangelism, as well as advice and support.

As part of this support, GNU has appointed Pr. Joseph to be our Evangelism Coordinator for the State of Andhra Pradesh, India. Pr. Joseph is a deeply spiritual, energetic, and highly competent young man. He will meet with these pastors every month to train them in simple evangelistic techniques, to encourage them, pray with them, and to coordinate their efforts as necessary.

GNU’s television broadcast in Andhra Pradesh is funded by the gifts of supporters and partners like you. And as with our other ministry in similar impoverished regions of the world, it is aired with no expectation of donations from the viewer.

It is not easy to be a Christian in Andhra Pradesh. It is a region in which Christians still suffer violent and deadly persecution. So thank you for helping us support these 30 churches, and please pray for Pr. Joseph, for these fellow-believers in the gospel, and for the amazing way that the Word is Spreading Fast in India.


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