Unlimited: Can You Have True Freedom?
Aug 22, 2019 2522

If the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed (John 8:36, NIV).
Freedom is one of the most sought-after ideals in human history. Humanity’s search for freedom has taken it into the fiercest of protests, struggles, revolutions, civil wars—even world wars. Today, in the midst of free societies, many continue to fight for what they perceive as ever-greater freedoms.
But as more freedoms are granted, many fail to see the expected positive outcome. Freedom for children often turns them to paths that eventually ruin their lives.
Does true freedom exist or it is just an illusion? Is freedom granted by human systems true freedom?
In a sense, none of us are truly free. We are all slaves of sin until we encounter the Man of Calvary. Are we truly free? Are we truly rich? Are we truly happy?
It is in prison that Paul redefines freedom. The Bible tells us that spiritually speaking no one is free. In Romans 6, Paul explains that we are all slaves. We are either slaves to sin or slaves to righteousness.
Those who are slaves to sin cannot free themselves from it, but once we are freed from the penalty and power of sin through the Cross, we become a different kind of slave, and in that slavery, we find complete peace and true freedom.
The Son of God had bound himself with the chains of humanity in order to redeem people like him. In Christ there is neither bond nor free, male or female, Jew nor Greek. All are one in their Saviour.
– Des Ford (adapted from Freedom Redefined)
Eli’s Reflection: What does true freedom look like in your life? What has Jesus set you free from? Are you a slave to sin or to Jesus?
Thank you! Great comment, David Sampson!
The best freedom we have is in Christ Jesus. Don't be a slave to sin rather be a slave to Jesus. David said in one of his Psalm that it is better for him to be gate keeper in the house of the Lord Almighty than to dwell in palace with the evil.
Evette mc Gaw
Aug 26, 2019
I am a slave to Jesus i am the clay he is the potter9