Unlimited: God Sees You as If You’d Already Arrived

Jun 19, 2018 1309

God sees you Unlimited God Sees You as If You’d Already Arrived

God raised us up with Christ and seated us with him in the heavenly realms in Christ Jesus (Ephesians 2:6, NIV).

If you have a healthy conscience, it should condemn you many times a day. But this verse refers to a heavenly place of rest! Isn’t it restful to know that you have a heavenly place of rest right now?

Despite the fact that we have a conscience that says, “You should have done that better. Look, you still haven’t done this or that”, when you read this verse, it says that God looks at you and sees you as if it’s all over, as if you’ve already made it home.

God sees you as if you were already at home. He sees you at the end of the pilgrimage. He sees you seated there in heavenly places with his Son.

That’s not only how God sees you, that’s also how he treats you. He treats you as though you have already arrived.

Here is how it works. Here I am, messing around, failing, foolish, evil, but I want to do the right thing, so I’m looking to Jesus. When I do that, God says, “I see that you are looking to Jesus. That means I see you as already at home.”

If you trust in Jesus, you are resting in heavenly places right now. – Des Ford

Eli’s Reflection: The rest that Jesus has promised you is not just in the future heavenly kingdom. It is rest for right here and now. Are you experiencing it?

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