Unlimited: He Did Not Spare His Own Son

Feb 10, 2023 820

Unlimited: He Did Not Spare His Own Son

He who did not spare his own Son, but gave him up for us all—how will he not also, along with him, graciously give us all things? (Romans 8:32).

Abraham had spent a lifetime waiting for a son, the son the God had promised him. The joy that he and Sarah felt when a son was born to them was expressed in the name they gave him: “Isaac” which means “he loves.”

God had been trying to teach Abraham during his entire life to trust him and to understand how much he loved him. That’s why the Lord God appeared to Abraham in a dream one night and told him to take his son and offer him as a sacrifice (Gen. 22:2.)

Abraham’s willingness to do just that, as outrageous as the cost might be to him, revealed to him the heart of God. And it reveals God’s heart to us also. Abraham didn’t end up having to give up his son, but God did.

God did not spare his own Son, but gave him up for us all.

We know that God will not withhold anything good from us. We know that he will give us, not just good things, but everything that is his to give. In Jesus, God has truly given you all things.

We can know this with certainty because God did not spare his own Son, but gave him up for us all. He didn’t do this grudgingly, but graciously.

When God gave his only begotten Son, he gave him entirely, even unto death, for you.

Spiritual Application

Ponder for a moment on how God sees you. When you give something up in your everyday life, it is usually in order to receive something in return of equal or greater value. How is it possible that God could value you so highly that he could give his only-begotten Son for us?

Eliezer Gonzalez

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