Unlimited: How Moses Learnt Forgiveness
Jun 23, 2020 2273

But now, please forgive their sin—but if not, then blot me out of the book you have written (Exodus 32:32, NIV).
The hardest lesson that the great men and women of God have always had to learn is the lesson of forgiveness: what it means to be forgiven, and what it means to forgive. Moses learnt that lesson, like all of us do, the hard way.
At the foot of Mount Sinai, as God is about to wipe out the idolatrous and rebellious people of Israel, Moses interposes his own life between the people and God, and intercedes for them. At the foot of Sinai, Moses learnt that forgiveness has a cost.
Then forty years later, Moses, now an old man, in his anger at the people of Israel, strikes the rock instead of speaking to it as the Lord had commanded. There at the borders of Canaan, Moses learnt that he would always need the forgiveness of God himself, no matter how long he had followed him.
Forgiveness has a cost: the life of the Son of God. And you will need forgiveness for as long as you live. When you learn these lessons of forgiveness, they transform your life. Then God will also be able to say of you, as he said of Moses, that you are the meekest, most humble person on earth (Numbers 12:3). The lessons of forgiveness are the ones that open the gates of Paradise.
– Eliezer Gonzalez
Eli’s Reflection: Moses learnt forgiveness during forty years in the desert while suffering hardship and caring for sheep. If you are having a “wilderness time” right now, are you also learning the lessons of humility, patience, and forgiveness?
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