Unlimited: It’s My Life, Isn’t It?
Aug 26, 2019 2149
You were bought at a price. Therefore, honour God with your bodies (I Corinthians 6:20, NIV).
We belong to God, every cell, every talent, every capacity for thought, feeling, and action. Life consists of responsibilities as well as privileges, duties as well as pleasures, obligations as well as indulgences.
The immutable nature of the universe is that of a cause-effect relationship. What we sow we reap inevitably. We take many things for granted, including the many blessings of life.
The truth is told that we are God’s, not our own. How can it be?
We were bought. We were delivered if we will accept it. God’s own Son valued us so highly that he would not leave us in the darkness of the shadow of condemnation and death. By his own agonies, he saves us from our agonies if we will let him.
We are not our own, either by origin, preservation, nature, privileges or destiny. All that I can call my own are my mistakes, my sins, my failures, my innate abysmal selfishness, and poverty.
Therefore, sing it gladly: “We are not our own, for we have been bought with a price. Therefore, will we glorify God in our body and in our spirit, which are God’s.’ Hallelujah!”
– Des Ford (adapted from It’s My Life, Isn’t it?)
Eli’s Reflection: Knowing that you belong to God and not to yourself, how do you live? How does this truth affect your decisions?
Aug 26, 2019
Yes Pastor Eliezer I understand thank you very much for the words that Pastor Eliezer gave to me and I continue to study and learn to be stronger in God and I appreciate the cross of Jesus Christ