Unlimited: Jesus Has Made a Way to Heaven for You
Oct 21, 2019 2483
Therefore, brothers and sisters, since we have confidence to enter the Most Holy Place by the blood of Jesus, by a new and living way opened for us through the curtain, that is, his body (Hebrews 10:19–20, NIV).
Not long ago, I was in the old city of Jerusalem and I wanted to explore more of the city. However, there was a problem. Being Passover and Easter, the old city was absolutely packed with people from everywhere on earth!
I wanted to visit the fascinating Jerusalem Archaeological Park, on the southern side of the Temple Mount. My timing couldn’t have been worse, because it was 3pm on a Friday and the gates had already been closed in preparation for the Passover Sabbath.
However, when there was no way in, God made a way for me to enter the Archaeological Park. I was there with a friend from Ukraine, and it turns out that the guard at the gate was also originally from Ukraine. In fact, my friend’s family and the guard’s family both came from the same village! They got chatting happily together in Russian, and before I knew it, he had opened the gates to us. We had the whole park to ourselves for the afternoon.
There’s an important lesson about heaven in this experience. It’s not what you do that gets you in. It’s not what you know that gets you in. It’s who you know that gets you in.
Jesus is the way. Jesus is the only way.
– Eliezer Gonzalez
Eli’s Reflection: Think back on your life and the wrong ways you have tried to find satisfaction, and even salvation. What was that experience like? What is different about the way that Jesus provides? Share it with someone who needs to know.
Okurut Martin
Feb 13, 2022
True facts. Jesus is the way truth and life and we are the candidates of eternity through Christ Jesus. Hallelujah Jah lives.