Unlimited Radio Spots Air Internationally
Sep 26, 2017 1367
Good News Unlimited’s radio spots have now gone international! They are airing on Praise FM 88.5 in Christchurch, New Zealand, after the station contacted GNU.
The Unlimited radio spots had already been airing across regional Australia, when Praise FM 88.5 contacted GNU. They left a comment on the GNU website, requesting any audio we might have for radio.
The day before this, Eliezer Gonzalez, CEO of Good News Unlimited, had told the digital support people to enable comments on the website, as this had been turned off for about six months. Always reading and replying to the messages on the GNU website, he saw the message soon after it arrived.
This is fantastic news: our first direct foray internationally with radio!
Eliezer jumped on the phone straight away, and called the station manager, who was excited that GNU has high quality production radio spots readily available. Eliezer told them how to access the radio spots, and also how to access content by Des Ford, which is on the GNU website.
He says,
This is fantastic news: our first direct foray internationally with radio! Although it’s a small step (it’s a small radio station), but it is a big one for us in terms of symbolism…. and this is an opportunity that the Lord has brought to us, rather than us actively seeing it. So we have a lot to be grateful for.
– Ella Rodionoff
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