Unlimited: Sharing in Christ’s Glory

Jan 17, 2023 944

Unlimited: Sharing in Christ’s Glory

…if indeed we share in his sufferings in order that we may also share in his glory (Romans 8:17c).

To bring salvation to us, Jesus left his throne in heaven and came down to this world. He set aside his glory, culminating at the Cross. There was nothing beautiful that the human eye could see. Instead, Jesus “emptied himself” (Phil 2:7, NASB) or “made himself nothing” (NIV) and became “obedient even to death – even death on a cross! (v.8.)

When the apostle refers to us as heirs in Romans 8, he is specifically referring to the inheritance of Christ’s glory. Who are the “heirs of God and co-heirs with Christ”? It is those who share in Christ’s sufferings.

Paul is specifically referring to the inheritance of Christ’s glory.

Many people turn to religion precisely in order to avoid suffering in this world. Their rationale is that if they belong to the right church, or live the right kind of life, that God will deliver them from suffering in the world, and instead give them lives of good health, great relationships, and without financial need.

Yet the apostle Paul tells us here that the path to glory is the way of suffering, and it is not just any suffering; they are the sufferings of Christ. This points us directly to the Cross.

…Jesus said to his disciples, “Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me (Matt. 16:24).

Spiritual Application

When Jesus told people to deny themselves, and invited them to suffer, many of the people stopped following him. Yet the apostle Paul gloried in his suffering. In a quiet place, reflect on the question: How do you relate to suffering?

Eliezer Gonzalez

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