Unlimited: The Blessing of the Presence of the Heavenly Father

Sep 16, 2019 2190

As the mountains surround Jerusalem, so the Lord surrounds his people (Psalm 125:2, NIV).

There is simply no blessing like the blessing of the constant awareness of the presence of our heavenly Father. Our God is One who, for Christ’s sake, has accepted us just as we are with all our sins, failures, and weaknesses. One who does not see in us the likeness of the sinner but the likeness of his Son in whom we believe. One who is always for us and never against us.

There is no blessing in all the world like the awareness of the presence of that One. Even a heathen king got a glimpse of it on one occasion. He persecuted the Hebrew worthies and threw them into the burning fiery furnace. Suddenly he stood up amazed and confounded and said, “Didn’t we throw in three? But I see four men in the furnace, loose, walking. And the form of the fourth is like the Son of God,” (see Daniel 3:24-25).

The Bible is full of the thought of the presence of God. Psalm 125:2 says, “As the mountains surround Jerusalem, so the Lord surrounds his people.” So, God surrounds me to protect me.

Deuteronomy 4:39 says, “The Lord is God in heaven above and on the earth below.” God is above to watch over me and below on earth beside me to care for me. Where is God? He is going before us. He is always there.

– Des Ford (adapted)

Eli’s Reflection: How has God’s presence affected your life? When are you most aware of His powerful and comforting presence?

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Souhir Rekik

Sep 29, 2019

God's presence in my life is a moving subject for me, because I felt God's hands protecting me since I was a child. I'm most aware of his powerful and conforming presence after going through great turbulence, I always realize afterwards that God was with me, because in the midst of the turbulence I can't see anything but I keep praying him in my heart.

Foster Dagima

Sep 27, 2019

Thank you blessed message

Austin Williams

Sep 17, 2019

Thank you for your quick response I will also share with my friends and family.

Linosia U Vakalasi

Sep 16, 2019

Thank you for today's message. It reminds me again of the presence of our Lord in us. I am thankful because eventhough I am a sinner but HE is always there for me Thank you Lord for your presence for me.

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