Unlimited: The Lesson from the Fig Tree

Jul 2, 2024 2062

Unlimited: The Lesson from the Fig Tree

Now learn this lesson from the fig tree: As soon as its twigs get tender and its leaves come out, you know that summer is near. Even so, when you see these things happening, you know that it is near, right at the door (Mark 13:28–29, NIV).

Do you remember the fig tree that Jesus cursed: the one that withered and died? It wasn’t just something pointless that he did out of annoyance. Not at all. He had in mind to use it for an important lesson, in fact for all time.

The lesson is not merely that when you see the signs that Jesus has mentioned, you will know that the end is near. It’s not just that.

You have to remember what happened to the fig tree, because that’s what Jesus really wants to bring to mind.

The fig tree had put out leaves, indicating that summer was near. And so, Jesus came looking for fruit, but it had none. It was all “show” but no fruit.

This is a warning for his followers everywhere, and especially at the end of the world. Jesus will come, and he will come looking for fruit.

The Jewish nation at that time did not bear the fruit that Jesus was looking for. And the fig tree that Jesus cursed actually became a symbol for all the trees around Jerusalem, because when the Romans besieged the city, the first thing they did was cut down every single tree in order to build their siege works.

What is the fruit that Jesus will come looking for? Some people think that it’s the fruit of your sharing of the Gospel. That’s good, but that’s not what Jesus is talking about.

Jesus is talking about what Paul later calls, “the fruit of the Spirit”:  love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, and so on.

– Eliezer Gonzalez

Eli’s Reflection: Is it the goal of your life to allow God to produce the fruit of the Spirit in your, or do you have a different goal? How can you grow in the fruits of the Spirit? Go to God and ask Him to give you these gifts.

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Jul 19, 2024

Father God thank you for watering the seeds of the fruits of your spirit that I buried away and feared I would never find again. When, out of the blue, Satan unexpectedly strikes, there You are in the midst - with me - again, and again and again. You never cease to surprise me. Thank you for revealing yourself and for nurturing my heart in recent times, for this past week as you draw the strands together, for yesterday, when Satan leapt out of the blue and showing me the fruits of your spirit at work, and today as I go foward, faced with both what could have been far greater consequences and knowing You are in my life, intervening and working through others, too. You humble me and heal me with Your love, stop me in the most appropriate ways, reminding me not to exceed the limit. Thank you for uncovering my buried seeds and nurturing them as they grow.

Malcolm Kutuapi

Jul 14, 2024

Galatians 5:22; The fruits of the Holy Spirit, Love, Joy, peace, goodness, kindness, humbleness, patience, faithfulness and self-control


Mar 25, 2021


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