Unlimited: The One Who Justifies
Jun 28, 2022 1246
he did it to demonstrate his righteousness at the present time, so as to be just and the one who justifies those who have faith in Jesus (Romans 3:26).
Paul tells us that the reason why God left the sins committed before the Cross unpunished was because he would demonstrate his righteousness at the Cross. This is a righteousness that covers the sins of the past, as well as the present (and the future as well).
The demonstration of God’s righteousness at the Cross doesn’t just show the justice of God; it also shows that he justifies those who believe in Jesus. We sometimes don’t link the justice of God with his gracious forgiving grace. That happens when we don’t understand the Cross.
God justifies those who believe in Jesus.
Through his sacrifice, Jesus demonstrated the perfect and absolute righteousness of God. He willingly took upon himself the sins of the world, taking our place in death. In so doing, he perfectly fulfilled the requirements of God’s justice. God now freely offers the benefits of his sacrifice to sinners, it becomes the means of our salvation.
In this way the Cross perfectly fulfils God’s foundational qualities of righteousness and mercy. Righteousness and grace are not separated at the Cross. Instead, his righteousness becomes ours, through the grace of God.
We have no reason to fear the righteousness of God if we have accepted his gift. We have only reason to rejoice in it, because the essence of God’s gift to us is righteousness!
Spiritual Application
Get a pen and paper or jump in front of your computer. When you think of the phrase “God’s righteousness,” what are the first five words or phrases that come to your mind? Look at what you have written. What does that tell you about your understanding of “righteousness”?
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