Unlimited: The Only Wise God

Jan 31, 2024 792

Unlimited: The Only Wise God

to the only wise God be glory forever through Jesus Christ! Amen (Romans 16:27).

Here are the very final words of Paul’s epistle to the believers in Rome. The last three verses of Paul’s epistle to the believers in Rome are a doxology, which is a short hymn of praise to God. It is right that Paul’s explanation of the Gospel and our response to it should end in praise.

Paul reminds us of the wisdom of God. All the other gods we may follow in our lives are foolish.

The distinction here is between the gods that offer a false salvation, compared with the God who has revealed himself through Jesus Christ. The distinction is between the Gospel and all other false means of salvation.

It is through Jesus Christ that God has revealed his wisdom, and it is through him that all glory should flow back to the Father.

Paul has repeatedly highlighted the wisdom of God in relation to the Gospel, the means by which God has chosen to save us. Elsewhere, in the same context, he highlights the total foolishness of human ideas of salvation (1 Cor. 1:18–31.) It is because the Gospel is God’s wisdom, and not our own, that it is so easily perverted, and also rejected, by the human mind.

It is through Jesus Christ that God has revealed his wisdom, and it is through him that all glory should flow back to the Father. Christ must always be our centre.

Spiritual Application

Set aside a special time in a peaceful place to reflect on the reality that every blessing you have is only through Jesus. Nothing is ultimately due to you or to anyone else. Let that lead you into surrender and praise.

Eliezer Gonzalez

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