Unlimited: The Power of the Cross

Aug 5, 2019 1870

For the word of the cross is folly to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God (1 Corinthians 1:18, ESV).

If the Bible is not true, there is no hope. If there is no Jesus, there is no hope. But if it is true, we have infinite significance. What is the key to faith and doubt? To life and death? What is the solution to sorrow, death, guilt, mortality?

God gave you something to hold onto. You hold this key.

The key is the Cross. The greatest event of history was the Cross. Through the Cross, Jesus gave away heaven to a repentant thief. The Cross signifies the greatest hour of the universe. Because of the Power of the Cross we have salvation!

Without the Cross, it would be as though God was permitting sin and doing nothing about it. But He did do something about it and He spread his arms wide to the sinner.

The Power of The Cross Changes Everything

The Cross is the sign of glory. The Cross is an anchor, a refuge, and a haven to storm-tossed souls. It ransomed the world. It shook hell and condemned the devil. It brought everlasting righteousness. It brought down the Holy Spirit. It opened heaven for all who would believe.

The sweetest melody of the Christian is to talk about the Cross.

Consider the Cross today and how it has affected your life as a Christian. Consider The Power of the Cross.

– Des Ford (adapted from The Gospel of the Cross)

Eli’s Reflection: Have you ever thought about the necessity of the Cross? What if it never happened? What would that say about God? What has the Cross done in your life? What is your response to the power of the cross?

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