We Proclaim to You The Good News!
- Bible
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- Dr Eliezer Gonzalez
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- Forgiveness
- Gospel
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- Resurrection
- Righteousness
Sep 2, 2013 2808
In Acts 13:32, Paul announces: “We proclaim to you the good news.” He then talks about the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus, and says,
Therefore, brothers and sisters, know this: Through Jesus we proclaim forgiveness of sins to you. From all those sins from which you couldn’t be put in right relationship with God through Moses’ Law, through Jesus everyone who believes is put in right relationship with God. Take care that the prophets’ words don’t apply to you: Look, you scoffers,
marvel and die.
I’m going to do work in your day —
a work you won’t believe
even if someone told you. (Acts 13:38–41.)
In this important passage, Paul talks about two things: 1) the message of the Gospel; and 2) the work that the message of the Gospel is to do.
In the first part of this passage, we find a statement of the Gospel by the greatest theologian of Christianity, and a divinely inspired theologian no less. People argue here and there about what the Gospel is. If those discussions were based on the New Testament, there would be no question to be debated. Here is one of the many clear definitions of the Gospel. The Gospel is the proclamation of the forgiveness of sin, so that through the death and resurrection of Jesus everyone who believes is put in a right relationship with God.
This is not part of the Gospel; it is not a summary of the Gospel; it is not a cut-down Gospel. It is the Gospel.
Everywhere in the world today the Gospel has been replaced by other things. Our contemporary world has replaced the Gospel with self-centred living, materialism, science, fantasy, loneliness, and alienation. The Christian world has also replaced the Gospel. For some Christians the Gospel is far too simple, and needs to be augmented, supplemented, and covered up by all kinds of doctrinal stipulations. Many of them are good, but they are not the Gospel. For some Christians the Gospel is far too complicated, and needs to be replaced by simplistic feel-good slogans that mean little and lack power. The world needs to rediscover the Scriptural, apostolic Gospel.
In the second part of this passage, Paul tells us about the work of the Gospel. The Gospel is never unnoticed. When the Gospel is proclaimed, people everywhere look and are astonished. Some are astonished and believe. Others are astonished and scoff. When the Gospel is proclaimed, God works in astonishing ways, in unbelievable ways, beyond our knowledge, beyond our ability to comprehend, beyond our experience. God makes our future to be completely different than our past. The Gospel transforms individuals, communities, societies, and nations. The proclamation of the Gospel will transform this world, and the righteousness of God will overwhelm the earth like an ocean of grace, mercy, and goodness from the east to the west, from the depths of the earth to the heights of he heavens.
This is the work that God says that he will do. He says that He will do it in our day. The Spirit of God is moving in people’s hearts everywhere, looking for those with believe. He will do it in our day. He is looking for those with faith even like a mustard seed, a faith that will not just move mountains, but transform the landscape of this world. Will we be those people?
Eliezer Gonzalez
Well, I commented once and it didn't 'take'. So I hope I can remember what I said. What a blessing it is to hear Eliezer focus solely on the Good News of what Christ has done for us. Today, a friend from USA sent me a religious news bulletin, a comment on a group that have been praying for 150 years for Jesus to come soon (the Apocalypse). Underneath were comments from a number of Christian groups, including Roman Catholics and a variety of Protestants, as well as this aforementioned group &c. It was a shame that they blogged mainly on lesser issues. Christians seem to forget that we are to take the gospel to the world and that in-fighting just distracts from our main purpose. If you read blogs about Shakespeare or politics, you get a similar style of argumentation from people with different opinions. In Christian circles, all it does is make us look as though it's all about fight not faith. And, so, again, how much I appreciate Eliezer as he keeps returning to that 'one thing most necessary', being in a right relationship with our Lord.
Eliezer Gonzalez
Sep 3, 2013
As someone told me, every preacher always preaches what they understand that they most need themselves. I used be very good at debating theology (or so I thought). But now I know what it is what I need most – the mercy, grace, and righteousness of Jesus. I have discovered that I am not alone. People everywhere are crying out for the Gospel of Jesus Christ.