Why Not Share the Gospel Even Beyond Our Borders? – Rwanda, Africa

Jan 25, 2016 1346

Jean Aimable, an ambassador of the Gospel in Rwanda!

Jean Aimable, an ambassador of the Gospel in Rwanda!

Ambassadors for the gospel are multiplying in Rwanda. Evangelist Emma writes to tell us about Jean Aimable Twayigize from the Rutsiro District.

Jean Aimable’s story begins with Moise Nshimiyimana, who discovered the Jesus Only radio program, and was so excited about its gospel message, he called Emma to ask for the book. “He came to my home,” reports Emma, “and I sat an hour with him talking about the gospel message and GNU.”

Such good news can’t be kept secret, and Moise Nshimiyimana starting telling his friends about the gospel. One of the friends he told is Jean Aimable Twayigize, who runs a prayer group in his home town. Emma has organised to meet with the prayer group in mid-February when they gather at Moise’s house.

“He is so passionate about the gospel,” says Emma, “He feels that he is part of us.”

Jean Aimable, Moise Nshimiyimana and every member of their prayer group are indeed “part of us” – part of the great gospel family helping to spread the Word fast. You can see his excitement in what Jean has written to me,

I am very happy to receive the gospel message on television and I thank you so much for the Good News about the message of Jesus Only that you always send to me.

I can’t even estimate how I’m feeling with the Good News today. For me, it’s like a miracle! God bless you. I am here and I am able to be your ambassador in this area where I live.

I want to thank a lot Evangelist Emma Tensia who lives in our capital city Kigali. She helped me so much when we spoke with other. Finally Senior Pastor Eliezer, please continue to pray for us in order to find the possibility of preaching the gospel message of GNU in all parts of our country – and why not in DRC (Republic Democratic of Congo), Burundi and more!

– Compiled by Eliezer Gonzalez from a report from Emma Tensia and communication with Jean Aimable.

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