Winnie Sees Word Spread Fast – Uganda
May 25, 2016 1812
On 17 January 2016, Amy Adcock and Rebecca Gonzalez partnered with GNU to travel to Uganda, combining their passions of midwifery and spreading the gospel. The trip was a large success in the terms that many lives were changed as the Word reached eager hearts. Amy, who is studying for a Bachelor of Midwifery at university, shares about a special woman who inspired her during this trip.
One of the first people we met in Uganda was Winnie. She was a worker at our accommodation and as the trip went on, we spent quite some time with her and became friends. Winnie is a beautiful, kind woman who works very hard. She is 22 years old and currently lives with her sister just outside the town of Jinja. She has a 3-year-old daughter who lives with her grandmother during the school term and with Winnie over the holidays. Winnie must work hard to provide for her daughter and to put her through school.
We asked Winnie one day what she dreams her future will look like. Her dream is simply to finish school and get a diploma in order to get a better job, enabling her to provide a good life for her daughter.
Through the versatility of digital media, what happened next was the beginning of a huge blessing for Winnie. Amy continues:
Rebecca posted a story on the GNU Facebook page about Winnie, not asking for anything, just telling the world about this young woman’s aspirations. A few days later, I received word from home that someone would like to sponsor Winnie to go back to school! When I told Winnie she was beside herself. She was grinning from ear to ear, thanking us and praising God! It was a beautiful moment!
Thanks to this generous couple, Winnie went back to school in April and will complete the next step in her studies in approximately 4 months. She could not be happier! In the messages Winnie has sent to me, she is always so thankful, wishing God’s blessings upon those who sponsored her. She has joined with a few other local people in fellowship to grow closer to Jesus. She recently sent a text saying, “Evening prayer: Precious Father, I thank you for the power of the Holy Spirit that’s at work in me. I’m invigorated with miracle working ability in my spirit, by the Holy Spirit who lives in me. I’m strengthened for greater works and positioned for the supernatural life, in Jesus’ name. Amen.”
The generosity of one family toward this one young woman has changed her life for the better and will no doubt have a flow-on effect to her family and to those she meets in her day-to-day life. Praise God!
Amy continues that she is grateful for the ways God continues to use his people.
I so much appreciate the gift of going to Uganda. As Christine (the midwife in Maligita) told us, “God uses people.” He used many to donate funds to enable Rebecca and me to go. He used our team to speak his truth in Uganda. He used the people of Uganda to touch and change our lives forever. And he continues to use the stories we brought home to inspire and mobilise his people across the world. All the glory be to God. Thank you for being part of his global work.
– Laura Stewart
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