Youth Find Jesus at Gospel Meeting – Jonnapadu, India
Dec 18, 2017 3163
We have conducted a youth Gospel meeting in the village of Jonnapadu, India. It was an amazing meeting. Three hundred and fifty people came and learned about the true holy Gospel. Thirty five people accepted Jesus into their lives.
In Jonnapadu there are many people, including young boys and girls who do not go to school or college. They run around without order or discipline in their lives, not listening to their parents. Their parents don’t have proper order in their lives either. Like their children, they never received an education. They don’t have proper houses to live in, and some people live in huts. They leave the village each day to work as laborers, coming back in the evening. So their children go about and live as they like, drinking, and wandering here and there.
Many people in the village did not know about Jesus or the holy Gospel. This is the first time we have conducted a youth Gospel meeting and spread the holy Gospel in Jonnapadu. Three hundred and fifty people came and heard about Jesus. After the meeting, some of them left the bad habits in their lives.
Thirty five people accepted Jesus into their lives.
Thirty five people accepted Jesus after coming to the meeting. Ramudu is one of these people. He is 19 years old, and had been living his life without direction or purpose. He says,
This youth Gospel meeting is a turning point in my life. I give thanks to God.
Venkata also accepted Jesus at the meeting. He is 20 years old, and had left his family and village. He had been away for months when he heard, through friends, about the youth Gospel meeting that was to be held. So he returned to his village and attended the meeting. It changed his life. He accepted Jesus and went back to living with his family. He says,
This meeting is a great blessing to my life. I had never heard about Jesus. Now I have come to know about Jesus and the holy Gospel. From here on after I dedicate my life to Jesus and will live faithfully for him. I give thanks to Jesus.
– Pr Joseph Usala
PS by Eliezer Gonzalez – In the photo, notice how the meeting is being held on a road that is not used at night. This is because there are no meeting places, and roads provide a flat, open surface.
Thank you for these wonderful reports of how the gospel is changing lives. I faithfully support GNU as my top priority.
Eliezer Gonzalez
Feb 18, 2018
I praise God for you and the love you have for him.